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Looking forward to hearing from you!
Are you frustrated by any of the following at work:
In conflict with how you see yourself vs. how others see you?
Told you’re over- or under-emotionally expressive?
Feeling you’re too overbearing or timid at work?
Problems involving your empathy level towards others?
Frequently in conversations about the “shiny object” project?
Increasingly stressed about projects and people?
Challenged with other optimists, realists, or pessimists?
These core attributes form the building blocks of communication, resilience, and time management — which can be mapped to productivity and performance. Leadership starts with YOU.
Get this FREE executive summary guide to learn more about how an Emotional Intelligence Leadership Assessment can help improve your own Self management and Team leadership skills — which is a fundamental part of learning how to focus everyone on achieving the Mission!
Bonus: You also receive our Leading Mission Alignment newsletter
Executive leadership tips for aligning your Self, Team, and Mission for increased productivity — as well as advanced notice of program updates, webinars, and events!